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The sections below can be used to download the current stable release of QGroundControl for each platform.


See Troubleshooting QGC Setup if QGroundControl doesn't start and run properly after installation!


QGC可以在任何当下流行的计算机或移动设备上正常运行。 性能表现将取决于系统环境、第三方应用程序和当前系统可使用的资源状况。 更牛的硬件配置将会提供一个更好的使用体验。 最低配置也至少要8Gb的内存,一个固态硬盘,Nvidia 或 AMD的显示卡和i5级别或更强的CPU,会让大多数应用程序执行起来爽到666


Windows 系统

QGroundControl can be installed on 64 bit versions of Windows:

  1. Download QGroundControl-installer.exe.
  2. 双击可执行文件来启动安装程序。


Windows 安装程序有三个快捷选项:QGroundControl, GPU 兼容性模式, GPU 安全模式。 除非您有遇到启动或图像渲染问题,一般情况下,使用第一个选项来安装, For more information see Troubleshooting QGC Setup > Windows: UI Rendering/Video Driver Issues.


Prebuilt QGroundControl versions from 4.0 onwards are 64-bit only. It is possible to manually build 32 bit versions (this is not supported by the dev team).

Mac OS X 系统

QGroundControl can be installed on macOS 10.11 or later:

  1. Download QGroundControl.dmg.

  2. 双击.dmg 文件以挂载它,然后将QGroundControl应用程序拖动到您的应用程序文件夹。

    注意 QGroundControlControl在Catalina系统上如果没有被签名认证,会有些问题发生。 当您首次打开 QGC 应用:

    • 右键点击QGC 应用图标,从菜单中选择Open 您只有一个选项,就是Cancel 选择 Cancel。
    • 再次右键点击QGC 应用图标,从菜单中选择Open。 这次您会发现有 Open的选项了。

Ubuntu Linux 系统

QGroundControl can be installed/run on Ubuntu LTS 20.04 (and later).

Ubuntu comes with a serial modem manager that interferes with any robotics related use of a serial port (or USB serial). Before installing QGroundControl you should remove the modem manager and grant yourself permissions to access the serial port. You also need to install GStreamer in order to support video streaming.

Before installing QGroundControl for the first time:

  1. On the command prompt enter:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
    sudo apt-get remove modemmanager -y
    sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-libav gstreamer1.0-gl -y
    sudo apt install libqt5gui5 -y
    sudo apt install libfuse2 -y
  2. Logout and login again to enable the change to user permissions.

  To install QGroundControl:

  1. Download QGroundControl.AppImage.
  2. 使用终端命令安装(并运行): sh chmod +x ./QGroundControl.AppImage ./QGroundControl.AppImage (or double click)


There are known video steaming issues on Ubuntu 18.04 systems with dual adaptors.


Prebuilt QGroundControl versions from 4.0 cannot run on Ubuntu 16.04. To run these versions on Ubuntu 16.04 you can build QGroundControl from source without video libraries.


QGroundControl is temporily unavailable from the Google Play Store. You can install manually from here:

Old Stable Releases

Old stable releases can be found on GitHub.

Daily Builds

Daily builds can be downloaded from here.