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Command Line Options

You can start QGroundControl with command line options. These are used to enable logging, run unit tests, and simulate different host environments for testing.

Starting QGroundControl with Options

You will need to open a command prompt or terminal, change directory to where qgroundcontrol.exe is stored, and then run it. This is shown below for each platform (using the --logging:full option):

Windows Command Prompt:

cd "\Program Files (x86)\qgroundcontrol"
qgroundcontrol --logging:full

OSX Terminal app (Applications/Utilities):

cd /Applications/
./qgroundcontrol --logging:full

Linux Terminal:

./ --logging:full


The options/command line arguments are listed in the table below.

--clear-settingsClears the app settings (reverts QGroundControl back to default settings).
--logging:fullTurns on full logging. See Console Logging.
--logging:full,LinkManagerVerboseLog,ParameterLoaderLogTurns on full logging and turns off the following listed comma-separated logging options.
--logging:LinkManagerLog,ParameterLoaderLogTurns on the specified comma separated logging options
--unittest:name(Debug builds only) Runs the specified unit test. Leave off :name to run all tests.
--unittest-stress:name(Debug builds only) Runs the specified unit test 20 times in a row. Leave off :name to run all tests.
--fake-mobileSimulates running on a mobile device.
--test-high-dpiSimulates running QGroundControl on a high DPI device.


  • Unit tests are included in debug builds automatically (as part of QGroundControl). QGroundControl runs under the control of the unit test (it does not start normally).